

ArduinoIHC now in library manger

The ArduinoIHC library for creating IHC in- and out-put modules is now included in the Arduino Library manager. This mean you can install and update through the Library Manager within the arduino IDE.

If you have previously downloaded the library and installed manually, you should remove it and install it through the Library manager. This makes it easier to get updates in the future.

If you prefer to do it manually you can always get the latest version here from github:

Here is the original post about ArduinoIHC (It is in Danish - use google translate)


The comments below has been imported from the old website. Currently comments are readonly, meaning you can not make new comments. You will be able to do that when it is ready. For now if you want to get in touch, you can send me an email. If you have problems with something that has a github repository, please make a github issue.

Hej Jens.. Det lyser saft´susende spændene med at koble arduinoen sammen med IHC. Men forstår jeg det korrekt at man ""selv kan lave sine ind og output"" moduler ? Jeg har rodet en del med arduinoen m.m. og IHC´en ( er selv elektriker , og hobby elektroniker ) det er muligt at jeg er lidt tung i betrækket, men jeg kunne godt ønske mig lidt mere en ad en lille guide til tilslutning af div. klemmer samt indgang på ardiunoen.. Det kan også ske at jeg har misforstået noget.. Tak og god jul. Mvh.Hej Anders - Jeg går udfra du ikke har set mit første post om Arduino IHC, så jeg har sat et link ind til det ovenfor. Som udgang på Arduino kan du bruge en vilkårlig GPIO, som indgang er det lidt mere besværligt fordi det skal være en indgang som der kan tilknyttess et interrupt, og det afhænger bla. af hvilken Arduino model du bruger. GPIO 2 og 3 skulle virke på alle.Hello, I'm Bart from Belgium. I want to replace my IHC controller but want to keep the input and outputmodules. The idea was to create a modbus-ihc converter. The modbus part is easy, the ihc part not... Can you point me in the right direction how to adapt this code to control the ihc modules?It does not matter if you connect it to an IHC controller or an IHC module, it is the same. The controlling direction is just the other way. Look at the examples in the library. The BasicInput you can connect to an IHC input module, and the BasicOutput you can connect to an IHC output module.I've succesfully created a modbus to output module converter. To 7 output modules can be connected. There is someting wrong when I tried the BasicInput example, connected the inputmodule dataline to input 2 of the arduino, when I close some inputs on the module, I cannot get any read outs? Or did I do it wrong?I've created a modbus to IHC output module succesfully. With the Basicoutput example. I want to do the same for the input, connection an input module to an arduino. I've loaded the Basicinput example and connected the IHC dataline to an arduino input. I have no readouts, the veriable does not change. Any tips?I've succesfully created a modbus to IHC output converter, with the Basicoutput example. Now I want to do the same for the input module, with the Basicinput example. The Basicinput code is loaded into an arduino, dataline from the input module connected to the arduino. I get no readings from it when I change an input on the inputmodule. Any tips? I'm sure the module works.If you have 2 arduino's try Basicinput on one and Basic output on the other connect the 2 and verify it is working.Basicinout? do you mean basicinput or inoutloop?That was a typo BasicOutput to BasicInput - so you don't use the IHC input module.Will do, maybe this is also important: I've connected the output of the arduino directly to the datainput of the IHC outputmodule. Same for the input, I connected the dataoutput of the IHC intputmodule directly to the input of the arduino. Do I need to place a pull up resistor on the input of the arduino?The signal from the IHC controller are standard TTL level so you should be able to connect directly (I have used a 1k resistor - just to be safe in case 2 output gets connected) If you have an oscilloscope you could connect to the arduino input and view the signal. This will also allow you to see if there are noise on the signal (keep the wires as short as possible) You may need a pull up resistor. You can also try to use the build in pull up in arduino. Insert this line pinMode( 2,INPUT_PULLUP) after ihcinput.Begin( 2)Small succes, 2 arduino's connected to each other are working. When I connect the IHC inputmodule with an IHC outputmodule, the corresponding relays are switching. Only the combination IHC inputmodule and Basicinput arduino is not working. I must source an oscilliscope somewhere...Did you try a pullup resistor?With or without the internal pullup it works. So strange: IHC inputmodule connected to IHC outputmodule: OK Arduino BasicOutput connected to IHC outputmodule: OK Arduino BasicOutput connected to Arduino BasicInput: OK IHC inputmodule connected to Arduino Basicinput: NOK I'm lost...I did some scope measurements, signal is exactly the same.How long is your wire from the IHC module to the arduino? Did you measure at the arduino end, not the IHC module end - to make sure you will se any noice that the wire may apply. I did have a problem with a wire about 4 meters. It was working but could give randoms errors because of the noice. If the signial is the same at the arduino end it does not make sence - I have no idea what that could be.wire length is 10cm. I have tested with a sketch, without the arduinoIHC library, from another poster here, it worked flawlessy.
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