

New website has moved to new hosting and said goodbye to wordpress. (You will not be missed!)

The old was build using wordpress, and i have been wanting to change this for a long time. Originally i just started in wordpress, because that was an easy way to get a blog working.

I have tried to convert everything from the old website to the new static web site. The new site is build using hugo, and is a static website, so it should also be faster.

Post comments

Because the new site is static the old workdpress comments are gone. I am working on a new commenting system, and have done an import of the old comments to the new system. The maybe some formating issues, but the content should be there.

Currently it is readonly, meaning you cannot post new comments. (Until i get it 100% working)

Maybe i will make a post later about the commenting system and why i choose to do it this way.

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